Browse Books in Travel

Island of Trees
50 Trees, 50 Tales of Montreal

Slow Road to Brownsville
A Journey through the Heart of the Old West

Tracing Land and Dream in a New Northwest Passage

Nova Scotia Outstanding Outhouse Reader

Montreal's Other Museums
Off the Beaten Track

Base Camp
40 Days on Everest

Canadians at War, Vol. 1
A Guide to the Battlefields and Memorials of World War I

Canadians at War
A Guide to the Battlefields of World War I

Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Canadians at War, Vol. 2
A Guide to the Battlefields and Memorials of World War II

Turn RIght, Turn Left, Repeat
Life on the road for the Canadian indie band

John Schreiner's Okanagan Wine Tour Guide, 5th Edition
The Wineries of British Columbia's Interior

Around the World

The Travel Journals of Tappan Adney, Vol. 1, 1887-1890

Day Trips from Halifax

You Might Be From Saskatchewan If... (Vol 2)
Volume 2

The Travel Journals of Tappan Adney, Vol. 2, 1891-1896

Vancouver Island Imagine

Haida Gwaii
Islands of the People

109 Walks in British Columbia's Lower Mainland

Day Hiking The San Juans and Gulf Islands
National Parks, Anacortes, Victoria

Camping British Columbia and Yukon
The Complete Guide to National, Provincial, and Territorial Campgrounds

Big Five Small Budget
Penny pincher's guide to wildlife photography in South Africa