Browse Books in Aeronautics & Astronautics

The Avro Arrow New Edition
The story of the great Canadian Cold War interceptor jet in pictures and documents

Why Am I Taller?
What Happens to an Astronaut's Body in Space

For Laika
The Dog Who Learned the Names of the Stars

Canadarm and Collaboration
How Canada’s Astronauts and Space Robots Explore New Worlds

Global Space Governance
An International Study

Firsts in Flight
Alexander Graham Bell and his Innovative Airplanes

The Canadian Space Program
From Black Brant to the International Space Station

Spaceports Around the World, A Global Growth Industry

Mars One
The Ultimate Reality TV Show?

XCOR, Developing the Next Generation Spaceplane

Mars via the Moon
The Next Giant Leap

SpaceX's Dragon
America's Next Generation Spacecraft

Microgravity and Vision Impairments in Astronauts

Virgin Galactic
The First Ten Years

Bigelow Aerospace
Colonizing Space One Module at a Time

Canadian Spacewalkers
Hadfield, MacLean and Williams Remember the Ultimate High Adventure

Tourists in Space
A Practical Guide

Industry at the Edge of Space

The New Space Race
China Vs. USA

Canadians in Space
The Forever Frontier

Lunar Outpost
The Challenges of Establishing a Human Settlement on the Moon

Out of Orbit
The True Story of How Three Astronauts Found Themselves Hundreds of Miles Above the Earth With No Way Home

Canada in Space
The People & Stories behind Canada's Role in the Explorations of Space

Seaplane Pilot
Training for the Seaplane Pilot Certificate and Beyond