Browse Books in Canoeing

Adventure, Resilience, and Renewal in the Arctic Wild

Wilderness Paddling 2016

Environnements sauvages 2016

Love in Northern Rapids
Paddling Adventures in the Canadian Arctic and Beyond

Wilderness Paddling 2015

Environnements sauvages 2015

Paddling Routes of North-Central Saskatchewan

Canoe Crossings
Understanding the Craft that Helped Shape British Columbia

Like an Ever Rolling Stream

Wilderness Paddling 2014

Environnements sauvages 2014

A Brief Time in Heaven
Wilderness Adventures in Canoe Country

Dazed but Not Confused
Tales of a Wilderness Wanderer

Bark Canoes
The Art and Obsession of Tappan Adney

Wilderness Paddling 2013

Canoeing The Essential Skills & Safety
An Essential Guide-The Essential Skills and Safety

Canoeing With Andrew Westwood
The Essential Skills and Safety
Environnements sauvages 2012

Top 50 Canoe Routes of Ontario

Northern British Columbia Canoe Trips
Volume Two

Grey Owl and Me
Stories From the Trail and Beyond

Pike's Portage
Stories of a Distinguished Place

Paddles Up!
Dragon Boat Racing in Canada

Trails and Tribulations
Confessions of a Wilderness Pathfinder