Browse Books in Sports & Recreation

Whitewater Kayaking - The Ultimate Guide DVD Box Set
Over 5 Hours of Cutting Edge Instruction

The Culture of Hunting in Canada

Whitewater Kayaking with Ken Whiting
Essential Strokes, Skills and Safety Techniques for All Paddlers!

Over the Line
Wrist Shots, Slap Shots, and Five-Minute Majors

The Diamond Alphabet
Baseball in Shorts

My Country is Hockey
How Hockey Explains Canadian Culture, History, Politics, Heroes, French-English Rivalry and Who We Are as Canadians

Hockey Hall of Fame Treasures

New York Sports Trivia

Ontario Sports Trivia

Tough Guy

Don Cherry's Hockey Stories, Part 2
With a foreword from Ron Maclean

Sid vs. Ovi
Crosby and Ovechkin - Natural Born Rivals

Why I Didn't Say Anything

Hockey Facts & Stats 2011-2012

Why The Leafs Still Suck

Why The Leafs Still Suck
And How They Can Be Fixed

Reflections 2011
The NHL Hockey Year in Photographs

Cruising to the Broughton Islands
Marine Cruising Guides Volume 1: North of Desolation Sound to Discovery Coast

Freedom Climbers

Snowshoeing in the Canadian Rockies

Chariots and Horses
Life Lessons from an Olympic Rower

My First Goal
50 players and the goal that marked the beginning of their NHL career

Hijinks, Highlights, Late Nights and Insights

Forgotten Heroes
WinnipegÕs Hockey Heritage