Browse Books in Sports & Recreation

Shooting from the Lip
Hockey's Best Quotes and Quips

Fishing Saskatchewan
An Angler's Guide to Provincial Waters

The Football Game I'll Never Forget
100 NFL Stars' Stories

Ottawa Senators
Great Stories From the NHL's First Dynasty

Hockey-How To Play Like The Pros

Hardcore Hockey Trivia

Master Angler
Color Technology in Lure Selection

Fishing BC Rivers
Big Fish and Acessible Waterways

The Boatbuilders of Muskoka

Women's Soccer

Caves of the Canadian Rockies and the Columbia Mountains

Leisure and Recreation in Canadian Society
An Introduction
Sports Car Road Racing in Western Canada

Canoeing, Kayaking and Hiking Temagami

Rivers of the Upper Ottawa Valley
Myth, Magic and Adventure

Freshwater Fishes of Manitoba

Camping with Kids
The Best Campgrounds in British Columbia and Alberta

North of Desolation Sound
A Western Waters Cruising Guide to the Broughton Islands

Hiking the Gulf Islands
An Outdoor Guide to BC's Enchanted Isles
The Open Golf Championship of Canada 1904-2004
A Century of Chapions

Easykayaking Basics
A Paddling Handbook for the Pacific Northwest

Calgary's Best Bike Rides and Trails

Kayak Routes of the Pacific Northwest Coast, 2nd Ed.

Wrestle Radio U.S.A.
Grapplers Speak