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Browse Books in Urban

Indigenous Women and Street Gangs

Survivance Narratives

by (author) Amber, Bev, Chantel, Jazmyne, Faith, Jorgina & Robert Henry

Heroines Revisited

Photographs by Lincoln Clarkes

by (photographer) Lincoln Clarkes

Bay Lexicon

by (author) Jane Wolff


The Secret Lives of Taxi Drivers

by (author) Marcello Di Cintio

Quietly Shrinking Cities

Canadian Urban Population Loss in an Age of Growth

by (author) Maxwell Hartt

Neighbourhood Houses

Building Community in Vancouver

foreword by David Hulchanski
edited by Miu Chung Yan & Sean R. Lauer

Colour Matters

Essays on the Experiences, Education, and Pursuits of Black Youth

by (author) Carl E. James

Fool's Gold

The Life and Legacy of Vancouver's Official Town Fool

by (author) Jesse Donaldson

In the Suburbs of History

Modernist Visions of the Urban Periphery

by (author) Steven Logan

Accidental Wilderness

The Origins and Ecology of Toronto's Tommy Thompson Park

by (author) Walter H. Kehm
by (photographer) Robert Burley

Changing Neighbourhoods

Social and Spatial Polarization in Canadian Cities

edited by Jill Grant, Alan Walks & Howard Ramos

“Indians Wear Red”

Colonialism, Resistance, and Aboriginal Street Gangs

by (author) Elizabeth Comack, Lawrence Deane, Larry Morrissette & Jim Silver

Reclaiming Hamilton

Essays from the New Ambitious City

edited by Paul Weinberg
contributions by Matthew Bin, Nancy B. Bouchier, Ken Cruikshank, Joey Coleman, Kerry Le Clair, Robert S. Fiedler, Kevin MacKay, Ryan McGreal, Seema Narula, Jessica Rose, Shawn Selway, Margaret Shkimba & Sarah V. Wayland


How the World's Great Cities Are Fixing the Climate Crisis

by (author) David Miller
foreword by Bill McKibben

Grossières indécences

Pratiques et identités homosexuelles à Montréal, 1880-1929

by (author) Domenic Dagenais & Dominic Dagenais

Toronto's Lost Villages

by (author) Ron Brown

Public Education, Neoliberalism, and Teachers

New York, Mexico City, Toronto

by (author) Paul Bocking

How New York Became American, 1890-1924

by (author) Art M. Blake

Any Night of the Week

A D.I.Y. History of Toronto Music, 1957-2001

by (author) Jonny Dovercourt

Land of Destiny

by (author) Jesse Donaldson

Youth, School, and Community

Participatory Institutional Ethnographies

by (author) Naomi Nichols

Feminist City

A Field Guide

by (author) Leslie Kern

Settler City Limits

Indigenous Resurgence and Colonial Violence in the Urban Prairie West

edited by Heather Dorries, Robert Henry, David Hugill, Tyler McCreary & Julie Tomiak

Gold Rush Ghost Towns of Nova Scotia

by (author) Mike Parker

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