Browse Books in Research

A Decade of Alcoholism Research
A review of the research activities of the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 1951-1961

The Suburban Society

Patterns of Social Functioning in Families with Marital and Parent-Child Problems

Contemporary Vulnerabilities
Reflections on Social Justice Methodologies

Social Work Research Using Arts-Based Methods

Messy Ethics in Human Rights Work

Young People in Out-of-Home Care
Findings from the Ontario Looking After Children Project

Seeking a Research-Ethics Covenant in the Social Sciences


Unravelling Research
The Ethics and Politics of Research in the Social Sciences

Implementing Evidence-Based Research
A How-to Guide for Police Organizations

Knowings and Knots
Methodologies and Ecologies in Research-Creation

Science, Pseudo-Science and Society
The Multi-Problem Family
A Review and Annotated Bibliography

A Decade of Alcoholism Research
A review of the research activities of the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario, 1951-1961

Patterns of Social Functioning in Families with Marital and Parent-Child Problems

The Suburban Society

Decolonizing Academia
Poverty, Oppression and Pain

Practising Community-Based Participatory Research
Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization

Experience Research Social Change
Critical Methods, Third Edition

Récits inachevés
Réflexions sur les défis de la recherche qualitative

Research as Resistance, Second Edition
Revisiting Critical, Indigenous, and Anti-Oppressive Approaches

A Good Book, In Theory
Making Sense Through Inquiry, Third Edition

Grey Matters
A Guide for Collaborative Research with Seniors