Browse Books in Media Studies
Political Economy in the Modern State
A Digital Bundle
Protecting and Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Online
On the Virtues of Utter Disagreeability
The Adman's Dilemma
From Barnum to Trump
Mudflat Dreaming
Waterfront Battles and the Squatters Who Fought Them in 1970s Vancouver
The Adman's Dilemma
From Barnum to Trump
Social Networks and Surveillance for Society
Comics and Adaptation
The Wrong Story
Palestine, Israel and the Media
The Radio Eye
Cinema in the North Atlantic, 1958-1988
Machine Learning Techniques for Online Social Networks
The Medium Is the Monster
Canadian Adaptations of Frankenstein and the Discourse of Technology
The Republic of Games
Textual Culture between Old Books and New Media
It Doesn’t Suck
Diasporic Media beyond the Diaspora
Korean Media in Vancouver and Los Angeles
The Medium Is the Monster
Canadian Adaptations of <em>Frankenstein</em> and the Discourse of Technology
Most Dramatic Ever
The Bachelor
Ms. Prime Minister
Gender, Media, and Leadership
Breaking News?
Politics, Journalism, and Infotainment on Quebec Television
The Technological Introject
Friedrich Kittler between Implementation and the Incalculable
Ms. Prime Minister
Gender, Media, and Leadership
The Textbook and the Lecture
Education in the Age of New Media
The Fabric of Interface
Mobile Media, Design, and Gender
We Interrupt This Program
Indigenous Media Tactics in Canadian Culture