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Browse Books in Media Studies

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by (author) Naomi Klein

Toronto on Film

by (author) Geoff Pevere, Piers Handling, Matthew Hays, Wyndham Wise, Brenda Longfellow, Steve Gravestock & Justin D. Edwards

Bomb Canada and Other Unkind Remarks in the American Media

by (author) Chantal Allan

Pop Culture

The Culture of Everyday Life

by (author) Shirley Fedorak

After Kie?lowski

The Legacy of Krzysztof Kieslowski

contributions by Steven Woodward, John Caruana, Paul Coates, Sarah Cooper, Charles Eidsvik, Georgina Evans, Marek Haltof, Sean O'Sullivan & Emma Wilson

David Cronenberg's A History of Violence

by (author) Bart Beaty

Programming Reality

Perspectives on English-Canadian Television

edited by Zoë Druick & Aspa Kotsopoulos

Performing the Pilgrims

A Study of Ethnohistorical Role-Playing at Plimoth Plantation

by (author) Stephen Eddy Snow
foreword by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett

Branding Miss G _

Third Wave Feminists and the Media

by (author) Michelle Miller

Youth, Identity, and Digital Media

edited by David Buckingham

Morals and the Media

Ethics in Canadian Journalism

by (author) Nicholas Russell

D is for Daring

The Women behind Studio D

by (author) Gail Vanstone


Digital Media, Critical Theory, and the Humanities

by (author) Marcel O'Gorman

The Power of the Press

The Lasting Impressions Made by Canada's Early Printers

by (author) Chris Raible

Filming Politics

Communism and the Portrayal of the Working Class at the National Film Board of Canada, 1939-46

by (author) Malek Khouri

How Canadians Communicate, Vol. 2

Media, Globalization and Identity

contributions by David Taras, Kenneth J. Goldstein, Richard Schultz, Christopher Dornan, Maria Bakardjieva, Bart Beaty, Rebecca Sullivan, Marc Raboy, Michael Keren, Richard Sutherland, Will Straw, Stephen Kline, Graham Longford, Sheryl N. Hamilton, Frits Panekoek, Helen Clark, Andrew Waller & David Mitchell
edited by Frits Pannekoek

Free Speech in Fearful Times

After 9/11 in Canada, the U.S., Australia & Europe

edited by James Turk & Allan Manson

Politics, Society, and the Media, Second Edition

Canadian Perspectives

by (author) Paul Nesbitt-Larking


Digital Media, Critical Theory, and the Humanities

by (author) Marcel O'Gorman

With Every Mistake

by (author) Gwynne Dyer

The Virtual Marshall McLuhan

by (author) Donald F. Theall

Le Le Nouveau roman de l'énergie nationale

Analyse des discours promotionnels d'Hydro-Québec de 1964 à 1997

by (author) Dominique Perron

Le Nouveau roman de l'énergie nationale

Analyse des discours promotionnels d'Hydro-Québec de 1964 à 1997

by (author) Dominique Perron

Understanding New Media

Augmented Knowledge and Culture

by (author) Kim H. Veltman

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