Browse Books in Islamic Studies

How Muslims Shaped the Americas

Under Siege
Islamophobia and the 9/11 Generation

Sacred as Secular
Secularization under Theocracy in Iran

Praying to the West
How Muslims Shaped the Americas

How Muslims Shaped the Americas
How Muslims Shaped the Americas

Art and Islamic Cosmopolitanism

Minarets on the Horizon
Muslim Pioneers in Canada

Political Muslims
Understanding Youth Resistance in a Global Context

Al Rashid Mosque
Building Canadian Muslim Communities

Couchsurfing in Iran
Revealing a Hidden World

On Islam
Muslims and the Media

Pragmatism in Islamic Law
A Social and Intellectual History

Relevance of Islamic Identity in Canada, The
Culture, Politics, and Self

God in Pink

1000 Lashes
Because I Say What I Think

The Shi'ites of Lebanon
Modernism, Communism, and Hizbullah's Islamists

The Herbal of al-Ghafiqi
A Facsimile Edition with Critical Essays

Everyday Life in the Muslim Middle East, Third Edition

Mission Invisible
Race, Religion, and News at the Dawn of the 9/11 Era

Idols in the East
European Representations of Islam and the Orient, 1100-1450

Veiled Employment
Islamism and the Political Economy of Women's Employment in Iran

Islam's Predicament
Perspectives of a Dissident Muslim

Canadian Islamic Schools
Unravelling the Politics of Faith, Gender, Knowledge, and Identity

Belonging and Banishment
Being Muslim in Canada