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Browse Books in Human Geography

Corner Windows and Cul-de-Sacs

The Remarkable Story of Newfoundland's First Garden Suburb

by (author) C.A. Sharpe & A.J. Shawyer


Wildness and the Vitality of the Land

by (author) Phillip Vannini & April Vannini


The Year That Made Modern Canada

by (author) Ken Cuthbertson

Tracking Lions, Myth, and Wilderness in Samburu

by (author) Jon Turk

Volume 1: Community and Society

contributions by Sarah Turner, Nguyen N. Binh, Abdellatif Qamhaieh, Carolina Sternberg, Sheere Kadez Brooks, Ferhan Gezici, Cansu İlhan, Prajwal Nagesh, Ajay Bailey, Sobin George, Lekha Subaiya, Hanna A. Ruszczyk, M. Feisal Rahman, Olga Matveieva, Vasil Navumau, Charlotte Lemanski, Jiska de Groot, Jeremy Auerbach, Jordin Clark, Solange Muñoz, Roberto Rocco, Higor Carvalho, Luciana Royer, Beatriz Kara-José, Ellen Bal, Lorraine Nencel, Hosna J. Shewly, Sanjeeb Drong, Nurul Azreen Azlan, Diotima Chattoraj, A.K.M. Ahsan Ullah, Mallik Akram Hossain, Sallie Yea, Robin Mazumder, Richardson Dilworth, Timothy P.R. Weaver, Jolanda Lindenberg, Paul van de Vijver, Lieke de Kock, David van Bodegom, Niels Bartels, Magdalena Svetlana Rodekirchen, Sawyer Phinney, Rebekah Graham, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Chrissie Cowan, Rose Wilkinson & Amanda Stevens
edited by Brian Doucet, Rianne van Melik & Pierre Filion

Quietly Shrinking Cities

Canadian Urban Population Loss in an Age of Growth

by (author) Maxwell Hartt

Aging People, Aging Places

Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges of Growing Older in Canada

edited by Maxwell Hartt, Samantha Biglieri, Mark Rosenberg & Sarah Nelson

Manufactured Uncertainty

Implications for Climate Change Skepticism

by (author) Lorraine Code

Digital Lives in the Global City

Contesting Infrastructures

edited by Deborah Cowen, Alexis Mitchell, Emily Paradis & Brett Story

Planet Canada

How Our Expats Are Shaping the Future

by (author) John Stackhouse

Ideas to Postpone the End of the World

by (author) Ailton Krenak
translated by Anthony Doyle


The Long Run of the Wild River

by (author) Philip Lee

Geography of British Columbia, Fourth Edition

People and Landscapes in Transition

by (author) Brett McGillivray

The Imperilled Ocean

Human Stories from a Changing Sea

by (author) Laura Trethewey

Frenemy Nations

Love and Hate between Neighbo(u)ring States

by (author) Mary Soderstrom

Feminist City

A Field Guide

by (author) Leslie Kern


The Call of the American West

by (author) Joanna Pocock

House Divided

edited by Alex Bozikovic, Cheryll Case, John Lorinc & Annabel Vaughan

Perfect City

An Urban Fixer's Global Search for Magic in the Modern Metropolis

by (author) Joe Berridge

The Well-Lived Life

Live with Purpose and Be Remembered

by (author) Lyndsay Green

Urbanism and the Changing Canadian Society

edited by S.D. Clark

Canadian Population and Northern Colonization

edited by Vincent Bladen

Stolen City

Racial Capitalism and the Making of Winnipeg

by (author) Owen Toews

No Place To Go

How Public Toilets Fail our Private Needs

by (author) Lezlie Lowe

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