Browse Books in Folklore & Mythology
Legends of the Mississaugas
Icelandic-Canadian memory lore
Icelandic-Canadian oral narratives
Raincoast Chronicles 13
Folklore of Canada
Saying Isn't Believing
Conversation, Narrative and the Discourse of Belief in a French Newfoundland Community
Raincoast Chronicles 12
Prometheus Rebound
The Irony of Atheism
Tales of the Cairds
Ojibway Heritage
Tales Until Dawn
The World of a Cape Breton Gaelic Story-Teller
Raincoast Chronicles 11
Forgotten Villages of the BC Coast
Mythology of the Northwest Coast
Lots of stories
Maritime narratives from the Creighton Collection
Calabrese folklore
Proverbes haïtiens illustrés
Raincoast Chronicles Six/Ten
The Metamorphoses of a Myth
A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English
A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English
Racial Myth in English History
Trojans, Teutons, and Anglo-Saxons
Wilderness and storytelling
Lunenburg County folklore and oral hishistory
Project '77
Many voices
A study of folklore activities in Canada and their role in Canadian culture