Browse Books in Feminism & Feminist Theory
Personal and Political
Stories from the Women's Health Movement 1960–2010
Personal and Political
Stories from the Women's Health Movement 1960-2010
Through The Mill
Girls and Women in the Quebec Cotton Textile Industry 1881-1951
Wages for Housework
A History of an International Feminist Movement, 1972–77
Once and Future Feminist
Second Words
Selected Critical Prose 1960–1982
Mothers, Addiction, and Recovery
Finding Meaning through the Journey
Transforming Conversations
Feminism and Education in Canada since 1970
Mudgirls Manifesto
Handbuilt Homes, Handcrafted Lives
Hard To Do
The Surprising, Feminist History of Breaking Up
White Gloves Off
The Work of the Ontario Committee on the Status of Women
Reconsidering Radical Feminism
Affect and the Politics of Heterosexuality
A Wry and Closely Observed Look at the Lives of Women and Girls
Motherhood in Precarious Times
NoNonsense Feminism
Why the World Still Needs the F-word
Everyday World-Making
Toward an Understanding of Affect and Mothering
Mothers, Military, and Society
Girl Positive
How Girls Are Shaping a New World
Indigenous Experiences of Pregnancy and Birth
After Morgentaler
The Politics of Abortion in Canada
Dispatches from the War on Feminism
After the Happily Ever After
Empowering Women and Mothers in Relationships
In Times Like These
Fairly Equal
Lawyering the Feminist Revolution