Browse Books in Hispanic American Studies

Politically Animated
Non-fiction Animation from the Hispanic World

Gringo Love
Stories of Sex Tourism in Brazil

Beyond History for Historical Consciousness
Students, Narrative, and Memory

Inhabiting the In-Between
Childhood and Cinema in Spain's Long Transition

Transforming Indigeneity
Urbanization and Language Revitalization in the Brazilian Amazon

Southern Mercy
Empire and American Civilization in Juvenile Reform, 1890-1944

Cuba beyond the Beach
Stories of Life in Havana

Cultural Hermeneutics
Essays after Unamuno and Ricoeur

Libre Acceso
Latin American Literature and Film through Disability Studies

Latino Labour and the Changing Face of Forestry in the Pacific Northwest

Lady Q
The Rise and Fall of a Latin Queen

Wisdom of Eccentric Old Men
A Study of Type and Secondary Character in Galdós's Social Novels, 1870-1897

The Wisdom of Eccentric Old Men
A Study of Type and Secondary Character in Galdós's Social Novels, 1870-1897