Browse Books in General
Wedded to the Cause
Ukrainian-Canadian Women and Ethnic Identity 1891-1991

Beaver Bites Back?

Knowledge and Practice in Mayotte
Local Discourses of Islam, Sorcery and Spirit Possession

In Search of Paradise
The Odyssey of an Italian Family

In memoriam: Peter Lewis Paul, 1902-1989

The Rebirth of Anthropological Theory

Normal Bad Boys
Public Policies, Institutions, and the Politics of Client Recruitment

Maritimers in Massachusetts, Ontario, and Alberta

Recent Social Trends in Quebec, 1960-1990

Coming Home to Powell Street

It's a Working Man's Town
Male Working-Class Culture

Small Town in Modern Times
Alexandria, Ontario

The Gulf Within
Canadian Arabs, Racism and the Gulf War
Ethnic Groups and Marital Choices
Ethnic History and Marital Assimilation, in Canada 1871 and 1971

New dimensions in ethnohistory
Papers of the second Laurier Conference on Ethnohistory and Ethnology

Ethnic Armies
Polyethnic Armed Forces from the Time of the Habsburgs to the Age of the Superpowers
National Survival in Dependent Societies
Social Change in Canada and Poland

National Survival in Dependent Societies
Social Change in Canada and Poland

Class, Ethnicity, and Social Inequality

Ethnic Demography
Canadian Immigrant, Racial and Cultural Variations

Italians in Toronto
Development of a National Identity, 1875-1935

The Contemporary Study of the Arab World

Issue Is 'Ism, The
Women of Colour Speak Out

Aboriginal Peoples and Government Responsibility
Exploring Federal and Provincial Roles