Browse Books in Social Science

Agrarian Spirit
Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land

Contagious Imagination
The Work and Art of Lynda Barry

Where You End and I Begin
A Memoir

Nightmare Fuel
The Science of Horror Films

Jobs with Inequality
Financialization, Post-Democracy, and Labour Market Deregulation in Canada

The Metaverse
And How it Will Revolutionize Everything

Heirs of an Ambivalent Empire
French-Indigenous Relations and the Rise of the Métis in the Hudson Bay Watershed

Converging Empires
Citizens and Subjects in the North Pacific Borderlands, 1867–1945

Peasant Wars in Bolivia
Making, Thinking, and Living the Revolution in Cochabamba, 1952-64

State Transformations
Classes, Strategy, Socialism

The Many Identities of a Literary Icon

Mental Health Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention
Promoting Child and Youth Well-Being

Teacher Guide for A Girl Called Echo
Learning About the History and Culture of the Métis Nation in Grades 6–8

What We Are
The Evolutionary Roots of Our Future

Road to Nowhere
What Silicon Valley Gets Wrong about the Future of Transportation

Thinking Ecologically, Thinking Responsibly
The Legacies of Lorraine Code

On Inuit Cinema | Inuit TakugatsaliuKatiget

Unpacking the Personal Library
The Public and Private Life of Books

Cancer Confidential
Backstage Dramas in the Radiation Clinic

Faces in the Crowd
The Jews of Canada

Power and Resistance, 7th edition
Critical Thinking About Canadian Social Issues

The Freedom Convoy
The Inside Story of Three Weeks that Shook the World

Remapping Cold War Media
Institutions, Infrastructures, Translations

Making a Chaputs
The Teachings and Responsibilities of a Canoe Maker