Browse Books in Social Science

Many voices
A study of folklore activities in Canada and their role in Canadian culture

Archaeological Material from Creswell Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada

Eight Inuit myths / Inuit unipkaaqtuat pingasuniarvinilit

Contes indiens de la basse côte nord du Saint Laurent Rémi Savard.

Context of the informant narrative performance
From sociolinguistics to ethnolinguistics at Fort Chipewyan, Alberta

Inuit songs from Eskimo Point

Athapaskan women
Lives and legends

A reference grammar for the coast Tsimshian language

Eskimo economics
An aspect of culture change at Rankin Inlet

Thule Eskimo Culture
An Anthropological Retrospective

Of Men and Herds in Canadian Plains Prehistory

Report on the Banting and Hussey Sites
Two Paleo-Indian Campsites in Simcoe County, Southern Ontario

Pleistocene Bone Technology in the Beringian Refugium

Dakah De’nin’s Village and the Dixthada Site
A Contribution to Northern Athapaskan Prehistory

Case and context in Inuktitut (Eskimo)

Suffixes of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland Peninsula and North Baffin Island

Palaeoeskimo Occupations at Port Refuge, High Arctic Canada

Ocean Bay — Prehistory and Contact History at Afognak Bay
An Early North Pacific Maritime Culture

The Victim and the Public

Urban Housing Markets
Recent Directions in Research and Policy

The Prosecutor
An Inquiry into the Exercise of Discretion

Socialist Development and Public Investment in Tanzania, 1964-73

The Prosecutor
An Inquiry into the Exercise of Discretion

The Soviet Theory of Development
India and the Third World in Marxist-Leninist Scholarship