Browse Books in Social Science

The Shady Side of Fifty
Age and Old Age in Late Victorian Canada and the United States

Bouncers, Risk, and the Spectacle of Consumption

Following Sexual Abuse
A Sociological Interpretation of Identify Reformation in Reflexive Therapy

Working with Immigrant Women
Issues and Strategies for Mental Health Professionals

Improving Our Response to Older Adults with Substance Use, Mental Health and Gambling Problems
A Guide for Supervisors, Managers and Clinical Staff

Gender Relations in Canada
Intersectionality and Beyond

Me Sexy
An Exploration of Native American Sexuality

Breaking Silences and Exploring Masculinities
a critical supplement to the novel Jackytar

Back to School
Jewish Day School in the Lives of Adult Jews

Every Day is Mother's Day

Double Lives
Writing and Motherhood

Connection, Compromise, and Control
Canadian Women Discuss Midlife

How To End The National Crisis

Introducing Sociology
A Critical Approach

The Shipment of Poor Children to Canada, 1867-1917

The Lubicon Lake Nation
Indigenous Knowledge and Power

Flights of Angels
My Life with the Angels of Light

Food, Sex and Salmonella
Why Our Food Is Making Us Sick

The Critical Criminology Companion

Web of Deceit
The History of Western complicity in Iraq, from Churchill to Kennedy to George W. Bush

Story Chair, The
Memories from the Past

Imagining Head Smashed In
Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains

Comics as Philosophy

Aboriginal Well-Being
Canada's Continuing Challenge