Browse Books in Social Science
Sinews of Survival
The Living Legacy of Inuit Clothing
Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada
Haida Gwaii
Human History and Environment from the Time of Loon to the Time of the Iron People
Comparing the Policy of Aboriginal Assimilation
Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
The Culture of Hunting in Canada
People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia
Good Intentions Gone Awry
Emma Crosby and the Methodist Mission on the Northwest Coast
Tribal Boundaries in the Nass Watershed
Discourses of Denial
Mediations of Race, Gender, and Violence
Supporting Indigenous Children's Development
Community-University Partnerships
The Power of Symbols
Masks and Masquerade in the Americas
Hunters at the Margin
Native People and Wildlife Conservation in the Northwest Territories
Workers, Capital, and the State in British Columbia
Selected Papers
Robes of Power
Totem Poles on Cloth
Art, Ownership, and Nuxalk National Identity
The Voyage of the Komagata Maru
The Sikh Challenge to Canada's Colour Bar
The Chinese in Vancouver, 1945-80
The Pursuit of Identity and Power
Indian Education in Canada, Volume 1
The Legacy
Qualities of Mercy
Justice, Punishment, and Discretion
The Manly Modern
Masculinity in Postwar Canada
Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision
Historicizing Canadian Anthropology
Diversity and Equality
The Changing Framework of Freedom in Canada
First Nations Education in Canada
The Circle Unfolds