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Browse Books in Social Science

British Emigration to British North America

The First Hundred Years (Revised and Enlarged Edition)

by (author) Helen Cowan

Studia Varia

(Royal Society of Canada, Literary and Scientific Papers)

edited by E.G.D. Murray

Oakville and the Sixteen

The History of an Ontario Port

by (author) Hazel Matthews

Science and the Creative Spirit

Essays on Humanistic Aspects of Science

edited by Harcourt Brown

Indian Rock Paintings of the Great Lakes

by (author) Selwyn Dewdney & Kenneth Kidd

The Iroquois Book of Rites

edited by Horatio Hale
introduction by William Fenton

Davidson Black

A Biography

by (author) Dora Hood

Our Debt to the Future

(Royal Society of Canada, Literary and Scientific Papers)

edited by E.G.D. Murray

Pedophilia and Exhibitionism

by (author) J.W. Mohr, R.E. Turner & Marian Jerry

Sect, Cult, and Church in Alberta

by (author) William Mann

Life and Labour in Newfoundland

Based on Lectures delivered at the Memorial University of Newfoundland

by (author) Charles Fay

Room to Grow

A Study of Parent-Child Relationships

by (author) Carroll Davis

The Developing Canadian Community

Second Edition

by (author) S.D. Clark

Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada 1895-1900

Dr. Josef Oleskow's Role in the Settlement of the Canadian Northwest

by (author) Vladimir Kaye

Urbanism and the Changing Canadian Society

edited by S.D. Clark

People versus Politics

A study of opinions, attitudes, and perceptions in Vancouver-Burrard

by (author) J.A. Laponce

Poverty in Canada and the United States

Overview and Annotated Bibliography

by (author) Benjamin Schlesinger

School Broadcasting in Canada

by (author) Richard Lambert

Canadian Political Science Association Conference on Statistics 1961


edited by William Hood & John Sawyer

Description and Measurement of Bilingualism

An International Seminar, University of Moncton June 6-14, 1967

edited by Louis Kelly

Structures sociales du Canada français

Etudes de membres de la section I de la société royale du Canada

by (author) Guy Sylvestre

Interrogative Design

edited by Ian Wojtowicz

The Homelessness of Being

Heidegger and the Meaning of Existence

by (author) Prashan Ranasinghe

Native Alienation

Spiritual Conquest and the Violence of California Missions

by (author) Charles A. Sepulveda
series edited by Charlotte Coté & Coll Thrush

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