Browse Books in Social Science

Little Girl Lost

If Home is Not Here

Fleeing from the Hunter

The Shadows Behind Me

Tenuous Threads / One of the Lucky Ones

Survival Kit

From Generation to Generation

One Thousand Mustaches
A Cultural History of the Mo

Academic Careers and the Gender Gap

Cinema and Social Change in Germany and Austria

Grey Matters
A Guide for Collaborative Research with Seniors

People of the Ice
How the Inuit Lived

People of the Longhouse
How the Iroquoian Tribes Lived

Life Stages and Native Women
Memory, Teachings, and Story Medicine

Imperial Immigrants
The Scottish Settlers in the Upper Ottawa Valley, 1815–1840

Imperial Immigrants
Scottish Settlers in the Upper Ottawa Valley, 1815–1840

The Energy of Slaves
Oil and the New Servitude

Movement, Art, Philosophy

Without Criteria
Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze, and Aesthetics

The Scientific Facts to Help Us Understand It Better
The Political Economies of Media
The Transformation of the Global Media Industries

Jamaica In the Canadian Experience
A Multiculturalizing Presence

Flying Under Water
Poems New and Selected

None Is Too Many
Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948