Browse Books in Social Science

Real Dirt
An Ex-industrial Farmer's Guide to Sustainable Eating

Engagement Calendar

Class Acts

The Hedge

Portrait in Black and Gold

In Love with Art
Françoise Mouly's Adventures in Comics with Art Spiegelman

In Love with Art
Francoise Mouly's Adventures in Comics with Art Spiegelman

Creating Space
My Life and Work in Indigenous Education

Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History
Sleeping Naked Is Green
How an Eco-Cynic Unplugged Her Fridge, Sold Her Car, and Found Love in 366 Days

Beyond the Banality of Evil
Criminology and Genocide

The Metaphor of Celebrity
Canadian Poetry and the Public, 1955-1980

The Idealist
Jeffrey Sachs and the Quest to End Poverty

Canadian Families Today
New Perspectives

Gendered News
Media Coverage and Electoral Politics in Canada

Portraits, Painters, and Publics in Provincial England 1540-1640

And Then There Were Nuns
Adventures in a Cloistered Life

Extraordinary Canadians: Marshall McLuhan

Army of Lovers
A Community History of Will Munro

After Delores

Just Ask Us
A Conversation with First Nations Teenage Moms

Challenging the Mississippi Fire Bombers
Memories of Mississippi 1964–65

How to Kill a Vampire
Fangs in Folklore, Film and Fiction

How Islands Transform the World