Browse Books in Social Science

Toronto’s Poor
A Rebellious History

Home: A Very Short Introduction

Yakuglas' Legacy
The Art and Times of Charlie James

The Education of African Canadian Children
Critical Perspectives

Between Dispersion and Belonging
Global Approaches to Diaspora in Practice

Canada before Television
Radio, Taste, and the Struggle for Cultural Democracy

Challenging Addiction in Canadian Literature and Classrooms

Serial Girls
From Barbie to Pussy Riot

Queer Returns
Essays On Multiculturalism, Diaspora and Black Studies

The History of The Hospital for Sick Children

Jews and Ukrainians
A Millennium of Co-Existence

Learning and Teaching Together
Weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Education

Queering Social Work Education

Creating Criminals

Science of the Seance
Transnational Networks and Gendered Bodies in the Study of Psychic Phenomena, 1918-40

Off the Street
Legalizing Drugs

Le poisson orange

A Different Kind of Ethnography
Imaginative Practices and Creative Methodologies

Transforming Child Welfare
Interdisciplinary Practices, Field Education, and Research

Notes From a Feminist Killjoy
Essays on Everyday Life
Blockades and Resistance
Studies in Actions of Peace and the Temagami Blockades of 1988-89

Travel and Religion in Antiquity

The Costa Rican Catholic Church, Social Justice, and the Rights of Workers, 1979-1996

Florence Nightingale: The Crimean War
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 14