Browse Books in Social Science
Travellin’ Mama
Mothers, Mothering and Travel
Contested Spaces, Counter-narratives, and Culture from Below in Canada and Québec
Making the New Middle East
Politics, Culture, and Human Rights
Low Wage in High Tech
An Ethnography of Service Workers in Global India
A Girl Named Lovely
One Child's Miraculous Survival and My Journey to the Heart of Haiti
Violence and Nonviolence
Conceptual Excursions into Phantom Opposites
How Women Are Set Up to Fail at Sex
Heavy Flow
Breaking the Curse of Menstruation
A Class by Themselves?
The Origins of Special Education in Toronto and Beyond
Outward and Upward Mobilities
International Students in Canada, Their Families, and Structuring Institutions
Radical Housewives
Price Wars and Food Politics in Mid-Twentieth-Century Canada
A Violent History of Benevolence
Interlocking Oppression in the Moral Economies of Social Working
No Surrender
The Land Remains Indigenous
Clearing the Plains NEW EDITION
Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Indigenous Life
Oakville and the Sixteen
The History of an Ontario Port
Sect, Cult, and Church in Alberta
Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada 1895-1900
Dr. Josef Oleskow's Role in the Settlement of the Canadian Northwest
Social Welfare in Ontario 1791-1893
A Study of Public Welfare Administration
Pedophilia and Exhibitionism
Between the Red and the Rockies
Assembling Unity
Indigenous Politics, Gender, and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs
Entryways to Criminal Justice
Accusation and Criminalization in Canada
Genre, patrimoine et droit civil
Les femmes mariées de la bourgeoisie québécoise en procès, 1900-1930
Opening the Government of Canada
The Federal Bureaucracy in the Digital Age