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Browse Books in Social Science

Falling together

a family’s story of mental illness and grief

by (author) Donna McCart Sharkey

This Life I’ve Bled

A Memoir

by (author) Jacquelyn Johnston


Journey To the Wild Depths of Motherhood

by (author) Veronica Moule

A People and a Nation

New Directions in Contemporary Métis Studies

edited by Jennifer Adese & Chris Andersen

Mothers, Mothering, and COVID-19

Dispatches from the Pandemic

edited by Andrea O’Reilly & Fiona Joy Green

Neighbourhood Houses

Building Community in Vancouver

foreword by David Hulchanski
edited by Miu Chung Yan & Sean R. Lauer

The Sweet Bloods of Eeyou Istchee

Stories of Diabetes and the James Bay Cree

by (author) Ruth Dyckfehderau
with James Bay Cree Storytellers
read by Matthew Iserhoff

Our Work Is Everywhere

An Illustrated Oral History of Queer and Trans Resistance

by (author) Syan Rose
foreword by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Open Borders

Encounters between Italian Philosophy and Continental Thought

edited by Silvia Benso & Antonio Calcagno

Grandmother’s Stories

How the Earth and Sky Began

by (author) Daniel Auger
read by Nimet Kanji

Temperance and Cosmopolitanism

African American Reformers in the Atlantic World

by (author) Carole Lynn Stewart

Who's Coming Out to Play

Disruption and Disorientation in Queer Community Sports

by (author) Claire Carter

Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism

by (author) Lauren Fournier

Real-Life Sociology

A Canadian Approach

by (author) Anabel Quan-Haase & Lorne Tepperman

Kurdish Women’s Stories

edited by Houzan Mahmoud

Finding Refuge in Canada

Narratives of Dislocation

edited by George Melnyk & Christina Parker

Just the Usual Work

The Social Worlds of Ida Martin, Working-Class Diarist

by (author) Michael Boudreau & Bonnie Huskins

Conspiracies Uncovered

Discover the World's Biggest Secrets

by (author) Lee Mellor


Race, Nostalgia, and the Politics of Loyalty

by (author) Cheryl Thompson

COVID Chronicles

A Comics Anthology

edited by Kendra Boileau & Rich Johnson
contributions by Gene Ambaum, Julio Anta, Ned Barnett, Ken Best, Armond Boudreaux, Eiri Brown, Thi Bui, Maureen Burdock, Roland Burkart, Pavith C, Brian Canini, Jason Chatfield, Lili Chin, Gerry Chow, M.K. Czerwiec, Zack Davisson, Joe Decie, Deloupy, Ignacio Di Meglio, Katy Doughty, Peter Dunlap-Shohl, Sarah Firth, Eduardo Garcia, Mike Garcia, Hatiye Garip, Simon Gentry, Aaron Guzman, Rivi Handler-Spitz, Justin Hansen, Kurt Hathaway, Mark Heinrichs, Natascha Hoffmeyer, Laura Holzman, John Jennings, Kang Jing, Quincy Scott Jones, Scott Jones, Jazmine Joyner, Rob Kirby, Rob Kraneveldt, Jesse Lambert, Kelly Latham, Janet K. Lee, Ajuan Mance, Luis Manriquez, Lee Marrs, Seth C. Martel, Tom K. Mason, Sean Seamus McWhinny, Ben Mitchell, Terry Moore, Eli Neugeboren, Tim Ogline, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, Willow Payne, Stephanie Nina Pitsirilos, S.I. Rosenbaum, Jacoby Salcedo, Kay Sohini, Arigon Starr, Emily Steinberg, Jay Stephens, Sage Stossel, Chris Summers, Tamara, Brenna Thummler, Seth Tobocman, Shelley Wall, Ian Williams, Richard You Wu, Zen & Annie Zhu

Rising Up

The Fight for Living Wage Work in Canada

edited by Bryan Evans, Carlo Fanelli & Tom McDowell

Send Them Here

Religion, Politics, and Refugee Resettlement in North America

by (author) Geoffrey Cameron

Research Methods in the Social Sciences

An A-Z of key concepts

edited by Jean-Frederic Morin, Christian Olsson & Ece Ozlem Atikcan

Happily Ever Older

Revolutionary Approaches to Long-Term Care

by (author) Moira Welsh

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