Browse Books in Social Science
Pandemic Spotlight
Canadian Doctors at the Front of the COVID-19 Fight
Transformative Media
Intersectional Technopolitics from Indymedia to #BlackLivesMatter
Pandemic Societies
Breastfeeding and the Pursuit of Happiness
Big City Elections in Canada
The Year That Made Modern Canada
Special Topics in Being a Human
A Queer and Tender Guide to Things I've Learned the Hard Way about Caring For People, Including Myself
Working in Canada
A Sociological Exploration
A Naskapi Legend
Poverty and Austerity amid Prosperity
A Comparative Introduction
Imagined Truths
Myths from a Draft-Dodging Poet
Extra Salty
Jennifer’s Body
The WEIRDest People in the World
How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous
On Marriage and Separation
The Care We Dream Of
Liberatory and Transformative Approaches to LGBTQ+ Health
Shift Change
Scenes from a Post-industrial Revolution
The Fair Trade Handbook
Building a Better World, Together
Making Pictorial Print
Media Literacy and Mass Culture in British Magazines, 1885-1918
Technologies of the New Real
Viral Contagion and Death of the Social
Health Systems in Transition
USA, Second Edition
Blackness and la Francophonie
Anti-Black Racism, Linguicism and the Construction and Negotiation of Multiple Minority Identities
Ten Meditations on Crisis in Art and Letters
The History of Anthropology
A Critical Window on the Discipline in North America
Radical Trust
Basic Income for Complicated Lives