Browse Books in Religious Intolerance, Persecution & Conflict

The 7 Deadly Myths
Antisemitism from the time of Christ to Kanye West (Second edition, revised and supplemented)

Contending with Antisemitism in a Rapidly Changing Political Climate

Secular Nations under New Gods
Christianity's Subversion by Technology and Politics

Islam's War on Christianity

Out of Place
Social Exclusion and Mennonite Migrants in Canada

A History of Antisemitism in Canada

A History of Antisemitism in Canada

Freedom of Conscience and Religion
Second Edition

Secular States and Religious Diversity

Honour On Trial
The Shafia Murders and the Culture of Honour Killings

Sea of Faith
Islam and Christianity in the Medieval Mediterranean World

Riots and Religion in Newfoundland
The Clash between Protestants and Catholics in the Early Settlement of Newfoundland
The Tragedy of Quebec
The Expulsion of its Protestant Farmers 1916

Luther and the Radicals
Another Look at Some Aspects of the Struggle Between Luther and the Radical Reformers