Browse Books in General
After the Invasion
A Reading of Jeremiah 40-44
The Oxford Handbook of Sacramental Theology
Muhammad Iqbal
Essays on the Reconstruction of Modern Muslim Thought
Highland Shepherd
James MacGregor, Father of the Scottish Enlightenment in Nova Scotia
Collected Works of Erasmus
Spiritualia and Pastoralia, Volumes 67 and 68
Evolutionary Religion
Crazy Talk about Faith and Finances
Crossing the Lines of Caste
Visvamitra and the Construction of Brahmin Power in Hindu Mythology
Aiming to Follow Jesus
The Consolation of Boethius as Poetic Liturgy
Embodiment and Virtue in Gregory of Nyssa
An Anagogical Approach
The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 2204 to 2356 Volume 16
A Very Short Introduction
Apocalypse Delayed
The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses, Third Edition
The Tales that Bind
A Narrative Model for Living and Helping in Rural Communities
A View from Quebec
The World is Our Parish
John King Gordon, 1900-1989: An Intellectual Biography
Law and Legality in the Greek East
The Byzantine Canonical Tradition, 381-883
Longing for Home
Daily Reflections for Lent
Daughters of Hecate
Women and Magic in the Ancient World
After the New Atheist Debate
Religious Radicalization and Securitization in Canada and Beyond
Divine Love
Luce Irigaray, women, gender and religion
Natural Law
A Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Trialogue