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Browse Books in Ethnic & Tribal

Cosmology and Shamanism

edited by Bernard Saladin d'Anglure

The Holy Spirit and the Eagle Feather

The Struggle for Indigenous Pentecostalism in Canada

by (author) Aaron A.M. Ross

Llewellyn's Complete Book of North American Folk Magic

A Landscape of Magic, Mystery, and Tradition

edited by Cory Thomas Hutcheson
contributions by Brandon Weston, Melissa A. Ivanco-Murray, Starr Casas, Stephanie Rose Bird, H. Byron Ballard, Benebell Wen, Jake Richards, Alexander Cummins, Lilith Dorsey, Sandra Santiago, Robert L. Schreiwer, Via Hedera, Kenya T. Coviak, Ixtoii Paloma Cervantes, Robert Phoenix, Eliseo "Cheo" Torres, Morrigane Feu, E.F.E. Lacharity, J. Allen Cross, Morgan Daimler, Dee Norman, Aaron Oberon & Mario Del Ángel-Guevara

Cree and Christian

Encounters and Transformations

by (author) Clinton N. Westman

Between Heaven and Earth

The Recollections of Felix Kupak

edited by Frederic B. Laugrand & Jarich Oosten
translated by Gloria Putumiraqtuq

The Knowledge Seeker

Embracing Indigenous Spirituality

by (author) Blair A. Stonechild

The Knowledge Seeker

Embracing Indigenous Spirituality

by (author) Blair Stonechild
foreword by Noel Starblanket

A Culture's Catalyst

Historical Encounters with Peyote and the Native American Church in Canada

by (author) Fannie Kahan
introduction by Erika Dyck
with Abram Hoffer, Duncan Blewett, Humphry Osmond & Teodoro Weckowicz

Ifá Divination, Knowledge, Power, and Performance

contributions by Jacob K. Olupona, Rowland O. Abiodun, Adélékè Adéèkó, Akintunde Akinyemi, Andrew Apter, Barry Hallen, Bolaji Campbell, Henry John Drewal, Ifaboyede McElwaine Abimbola, Akinwumi Isola, John Mason, Joseph M. Murray, Kamari M. Clarke, Laura S. Grillo, Mei-Mei Sanford, Olúfémi Táíwò, J.A. Opefeyitimi, Olasope O. Oyelaran, Philip M. Peek, Stefania Capone, Wyatt MacGaffey & Ysamur M. Flores-Peña

Along the Red Road

by (author) John Wisdomkeeper

Rekindling the Sacred Fire

Métis Ancestry and Anishinaabe Spirituality

by (author) Chantal Fiola

Being Arab

Ethnic and Religious Identity Building among Second Generation Youth in Montreal

by (author) Paul Eid

Canadian Aboriginal Art and Spirituality

A Vital Link

by (author) John W. Friesen & Virginia Lyons Friesen

The Fixed and the Fickle

Religion and Identity in New Zealand

by (author) Hans Mol

Native Religious Traditions

by (author) Earle H. Waugh & K.D. Prithipaul

Religion and Ethnicity

edited by Harold Coward
by (author) Leslie Kawamura

Preserving the Sacred

Historical Perspectives on the Ojibwa Midewiwin

by (author) Michael Angel

Following The Great Spirit

Exploring Aboriginal Belief Systems

edited by Michael B. Davie

They Knew Both Sides of Medicine

Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew

translated by H.C. Wolfart & Freda Ahenakew

Dread Talk

The Language of the Rastafari

by (author) Velma Pollard


Ambiguity, Evil Eye, and the Language of Distress

by (author) Sam Migliore


Ambiguity, Evil Eye, and the Language of Distress

by (author) Sam Migliore

Severing the Ties that Bind

Government Repression of Indigenous Religious Ceremonies on the Prairies

by (author) Katherine Pettipas

The Firm and the Formless

Religion and Identity in Aboriginal Australia

by (author) Hans Mol