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Browse Books in History

A People’s Reformation

Building the English Church in the Elizabethan Parish

by (author) Lucy Moffat Kaufman

Searching for God in Britain and Beyond

Reading Letters to Malcolm Muggeridge, 1966–1982

by (author) David G. Reagles


An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History

by (author) Tim Challies
read by Josh Childs

Sacred Ritual, Profane Space

The Roman House as Early Christian Meeting Place

by (author) Jenn Cianca

Canadian Methodist Women, 1766-1925

Marys, Marthas, Mothers in Israel

by (author) Marilyn Färdig Whiteley

Le Vatican ouvre ses fenêtres!

by (author) Grégoire Viau

Missionnaires ou colonisateurs?

by (author) Grégoire Viau

200 Years at St. John's York Mills

The Oldest Church in Toronto

by (author) Scott Kennedy
with Jeanne Hopkins

Elf Queens and Holy Friars

Fairy Beliefs and the Medieval Church

by (author) Richard Firth Green

Le malade, c'est Jésus!

by (author) Grégoire Viau

Missionnaires en pleine révolution

by (author) Grégoire Viau

L'À-venir de la liturgie: 50 ans après Sacrosanctum Concillium (numérique ePub)

conductor Gilles Routhier & Louis-André Naud
by (author) Éditions Novalis

L'À-venir de la liturgie: 50 ans après Sacrosanctum Concillium

conductor Gilles Routhier & Louis-André Naud
by (author) N./.A. N/A & Éditions Novalis

Huguenots et protestants francophones au Québec

Fragments d'histoire

by (author) Marie-Claude Rocher, Marc Pelchat, Philippe Chareyre & Didier Poton

The Orthodox Church in the Arab World, 700-1700

An Anthology of Sources

by (author) Samuel Noble & Alexander Treiger

Une Église pour le monde (numérique PDF)

by (author) Pierre Goudreault

Une Église pour le monde

Entretiens avec Mgr Jean-Guy Hamelin

by (author) Pierre Goudreault

Singular Vision

The Founding of the Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada 1908 to 1915

by (author) Michael Power

Promesses et défis (numérique PDF)

Les enjeux de la Formation à la Vie Chrétienne au Québec

by (author) Sylvie Paquette Lessard, Paul Delorme & Solange Lefebvre

Remi De Roo

Chronicles of a Vatican II Bishop

by (author) Remi De Roo

The United Church of Canada

A History

edited by Don Schweitzer

The Friar of Carcassonne

Revolt Against the Inquisition in the Last Days of the Cathars

by (author) Stephen O'Shea

Friar of Carcassonne, The

Revolt Against the Inquisition in the Last Days of the Cathars

by (author) Stephen O'Shea

Jérusalem (numérique PDF)

by (author) Sr Pauline Boilard

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