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Browse Books in Religion

The Dervishes of the North

Rumi, Whirling, and the Making of Sufism in Canada

by (author) Merin Shobhana Xavier

Llewellyn's Complete Book of North American Folk Magic

A Landscape of Magic, Mystery, and Tradition

edited by Cory Thomas Hutcheson
contributions by Brandon Weston, Melissa A. Ivanco-Murray, Starr Casas, Stephanie Rose Bird, H. Byron Ballard, Benebell Wen, Jake Richards, Alexander Cummins, Lilith Dorsey, Sandra Santiago, Robert L. Schreiwer, Via Hedera, Kenya T. Coviak, Ixtoii Paloma Cervantes, Robert Phoenix, Eliseo "Cheo" Torres, Morrigane Feu, E.F.E. Lacharity, J. Allen Cross, Morgan Daimler, Dee Norman, Aaron Oberon & Mario Del Ángel-Guevara

Recovering an Undomesticated Apostle

Essays on the Legacy of Paul

edited by Christopher B. Zeichmann & John A. Egger

Halal Sex

The Intimate Lives of Muslim Women in North America

by (author) Sheima Benembarek
foreword by Mona Eltahawy

Religion and the Post-revolutionary Mind

Idéologues, Catholic Traditionalists, and Liberals in France

by (author) Arthur McCalla

Making Wonderful

Ideological Roots of Our Eco-Catastrophe

by (author) Martin Tweedale

Faith as Protest (EBOOK EDITION)

Answering the Call to Mend the World

by (author) Karen Hamilton

Faith as Protest

Answering the Call to Mend the World

by (author) Karen Hamilton

Faith as Protest (PDF EDITION)

Answering the Call to Mend the World

by (author) Karen Hamilton

The Americanization of the Apocalypse

Creating America's Own Bible

by (author) Donald Harman Akenson

The Religious Sense

New Revised Edition

by (author) Luigi Giussani
edited and translated by John E. Zucchi
foreword by Jean Bethke Elshtain

The Oxford Handbook of Vatican II

edited by Catherine E. Clifford & Massimo Faggioli

Ockham's Nominalism

A Philosophical Introduction

by (author) Claude Panaccio

"Fundamentalism" and the Word of God

by (author) J.I. Packer

Collected Works of Erasmus

Controversies, Volume 74

by (author) Desiderius Erasmus
edited by Jan Bloemedal
translated with commentary by Alexander Dalzell, Erika Rummel, Charles Fantazzi, Stephen Ryle & Douglas A. Shantz

Jacobitism in Britain and the United States, 1880–1910

by (author) Michael J. Connolly

Every Believer's Thought Life

Defeating Destructive Mental Patterns to Gain Victory Over Temptation

by (author) Stephen Arterburn & M.N. Brotherton

Good Courage

Daily Reflections on Hope

edited by Alydia Smith
contributions by ChrisAnn Alvarez, Cláudio Carvalhaes, Jen Boyes-Garbin, Alexa Gilmour, Amy Panton, Jim Tenford & Nora Vedress

The Infinite Mercy of God

Sofia Cavaletti and Pope Francis on the Sacrament of Reconciliation

by (author) Patricia Coulter

Yin Mountain

The Immortal Poetry of Three Daoist Women

translated by Rebecca Nie & Peter Levitt

Building Bridges between Chan Buddhism and Confucianism

A Comparative Hermeneutics of Qisong's "Essays on Assisting the Teaching"

by (author) Diana Arghirescu

Martin Buber

Creaturely Life and Social Form

contributions by Sarah Scott, Peter A. Huff, Claire E. Sufrin, Samuel Hayim Brody, Yemima Hadad, William Plevan, Zachary J. Braiterman, Asaf Ziderman & Dustin Atlas

The Crow Who Tampered With Time

by (author) Lloyd Ratzlaff

Mennonites in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union

Through Much Tribulation

by (author) Leonard G. Friesen

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