Browse Books in Reference
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 29, 1991

BC Trivia

Canadian Writers and Their Works: Poetry Volume X
Homage to Heaven, Homage to Earth
Chinese Treasures of the Royal Ontario Museum

In Defence of Plain English
The Decline and Fall of Literacy in Canada

Canadian Writers and Their Works: Poetry Volume VIII

The Spenser Encyclopedia

Bibliography of Emblematic Manuscripts

The Pleasures and Treasures of Britain
A Discerning Traveller's Companion
A Map of the Province of Nova Scotia
Fourth Revised Edition with Index of Geographical Names

Secrets of Blue Fishing

The Little Blue Book of UFOs

Quotations From Chairman Cherry

The Little Black & White Book of Film Noir
Quotations From Films of the 40s and 50s
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 28, 1990

Atlantic Canadian Imprints
A Bibliography, 1801-1820

Atlantic Canadian Imprints
A Bibliography, 1801-1820

Canadian Writers and Their Works: Poetry Volume VI

A Dictionary of Literary Devices
Gradus, A-Z

Atlas of Newfoundland and Labrador
Canadian Literature Index 1987
The Maritime Provinces Atlas

Atlas of Alberta Lakes

Quotations For A Nation
The Little Book of Canada