Browse Books in Clinical Psychology
Chronic Alcoholism and Alcohol Addiction
Essentials in Health and Mental Health
Unlocking the Keys to Wellness
Finding Solid Ground
Overcoming Obstacles in Trauma Treatment
Causality and Neo-Stages in Development
Toward Unifying Psychology
Looking at Trauma
A Tool Kit for Clinicians
First Episode Psychosis Services Fidelity Scale (FEPS-FS 1.0) and Manual
Sink Into Sleep
A Step-by-Step Guide for Reversing Insomnia
The Oxford Handbook of Stress and Mental Health
Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities
Promoting Equity and Culturally Responsive Care across Settings
Responsible Gambling
Primary Stakeholder Perspectives
Handbook of Positive Body Image and Embodiment
Constructs, Protective Factors, and Interventions
Chronic Alcoholism and Alcohol Addiction
Clinician's Guide to ADHD Comorbidities in Children and Adolescents
Case Studies
Positive Psychotherapy
Clinician Manual
Social and Interpersonal Dynamics in Pain
We Don't Suffer Alone
A Guide to Assessments That Work
Today's Youth and Mental Health
Hope, Power, and Resilience
Fast Facts about PTSD
A Guide for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals
Group CBT for Psychosis
A Guidebook for Clinicians
The Essential Guide to the ACT Matrix
A Step-by-Step Approach to Using the ACT Matrix Model in Clinical Practice
Mindful Medical Practitioners
A Guide for Clinicians and Educators
Family Therapy as Socially Transformative Practice
Practical Strategies
Principles and Practice of Grief Counseling
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Contemporary Perspectives, Institutions, and Practices