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Browse Books in Psychology

The Logical Foundations of Cognition

edited by John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes

Auditory Scene Analysis

The Perceptual Organization of Sound

by (author) Albert S. Bregman

The Osiris Complex

Case Studies in Multiple Personality Disorder

by (author) Colin Ross

Clock Drawing

A Neuropsychological Analysis

by (author) Morris Freedman, Larry Leach, Edith Kaplan, Gordon Winocur, Kenneth Shulman & Dean C. Delis

Distinctly Narcissistic

Diary Fiction in Quebec

by (author) Valerie Raoul

Distinctly Narcissistic

Diary Fiction in Quebec

by (author) Valerie Raoul

Becoming an Agent

Patterns and Dynamics for Shaping Your Life

by (author) Larry Cochran & Joan Laub

Women, Work, and Coping

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Workplace Stress

by (author) Bonita C. Long & Sharon E. Kahn

Depression and the Social Environment

Research and Intervention with Neglected Populations

by (author) Philippe Cappeliez & Robert J. Flynn

Spiritualism and the Foundations of C. G. Jung's Psychology

by (author) F.X. Charet

Computational Philosophy of Science

by (author) Paul Thagard

Becoming a Brother

A Child Learns about Life, Family, and Self

by (author) Morton J. Mendelson

Language, Music, and Mind

by (author) Diana Raffman

The Least Detrimental Alternative

A Systematic Guide to Case Planning and Decision Making for Children in Care

by (author) Paul Steinhauer

The Union and Its Members

A Psychological Approach

by (author) Julian Barling, Clive Fullagar & K. Kevin Kelloway

Neuromotor Mechanisms in Human Communication

by (author) Doreen Kimura

Currents of Thought in American Social Psychology

by (author) Gary Collier, Henry Minton & Graham Reynolds

Our Own Master Race

Eugenics in Canada, 1885-1945

by (author) Angus McLaren

Family Violence and the Women's Movement

The Conceptual Politics of Struggle

by (author) Gillian A. Walker

Family Violence and the Women's Movement

The Conceptual Politics of Struggle

by (author) Gillian A. Walker

Our Own Master Race

Eugenics in Canada, 1885-1945

by (author) Angus McLaren

Living and Working with Schizophrenia

Information and support for patients, and their families, friends, employers, and teachers

by (author) Joel Jeffries, E. Plummer, Mary Seeman & J. Thornton

Battle Exhaustion

Soldiers and Psychiatrists in the Canadian Army, 1939-1945

by (author) Terry Copp & Bill McAndrew

The Sense of Vocation

A Study of Career and Life Development

by (author) Larry Cochran

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