Browse Books in African
The Political Pattern
Between Good and Evil
The Stolen Girls of Boko Haram
Citizens, Civil Society, and Activism under the EPRDF Regime in Ethiopia
An Analysis from Below
The Participation Paradox
Between Bottom-Up and Top-Down Development in South Africa
New Leaders, New Dawns?
South Africa and Zimbabwe under Cyril Ramaphosa and Emmerson Mnangagwa
Religion in Global Health and Development
The Case of Twentieth-Century Ghana
Commodity Politics
Contesting Responsibility in Cameroon
The Woman Who Inspired an African #MeToo Movement
An Ambulance on Safari
The ANC and the Making of a Health Department in Exile
Media and Mass Atrocity
The Rwanda Genocide and Beyond
The Political Pattern
Who Are You and Why Are You Here?
Tales of International Development
Memoirs of a Muhindi
Fleeing East Africa for the West
Minding the Gap
African Conflict Management in a Time of Change
Canada-Africa Relations
Looking Back, Looking Ahead
Colonial Extractions
Race and Canadian Mining in Contemporary Africa
The Grandmothers' Movement
Solidarity and Survival in the Time of AIDS
Canada and Africa in the New Millennium
The Politics of Consistent Inconsistency
The Independence of South Sudan
The Role of Mass Media in the Responsibility to Prevent
Government of Development
Peasants and Politicians in Postcolonial Tanzania
The Independence of South Sudan
The Role of Mass Media in the Responsibility to Prevent
A Flawed Freedom
Rethinking Southern African Liberation
Africa’s Deadliest Conflict
Media Coverage of the Humanitarian Disaster in the Congo and the United Nations Response, 1997–2008