Browse Books in Security (national & International)
Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism
Assessing Domestic and International Strategies
Violence and Militants
From Ottoman Rebellions to Jihadist Organizations
Activists and the Surveillance State
Learning from Repression
Atomic Assurance
The Alliance Politics of Nuclear Proliferation
Islamic Fundamentalist Extremism and the War on Terror in Canada
Sovereignty and Command in Canada–US Continental Air Defence, 1940–57
Look Who's Watching, Revised Edition
Surveillance, Treachery and Trust Online
Killing Others
A Natural History of Ethnic Violence
The Islamic Challenge and the United States
Global Security in an Age of Uncertainty
Bombs, Bullets, and Politicians
France's Response to Terrorism
East Asia-Arctic Relations
Boundary, Security and International Politics
Look Who's Watching
Surveillance, Treachery and Trust Online
Beyond Afghanistan
An International Security Agenda for Canada
Military Operations and the Mind
War Ethics and Soldiers' Well-being
Freedom from Fear, Freedom from Want
An Introduction to Human Security
Let Them Stay
U.S. War Resisters in Canada, 2004-2016
A General Theory of Pacification
Unsettled Balance
Ethics, Security, and Canada’s International Relations
Maritime Command Pacific
The Royal Canadian Navy’s West Coast Fleet in the Early Cold War
Canadian State Trials, Volume IV
Security, Dissent, and the Limits of Toleration in War and Peace, 1914-1939
False Security
The Radicalization of Canadian Anti-Terrorism
Disarming Conflict
Why Peace Cannot Be Won on the Battlefield
Disarming Intervention
A Critical History of Non-Lethality