Browse Books in Environmental Policy
Hard Choices
Climate Change in Canada
Population Growth, Resource Consumption, and the Environment
Seeking a Common Vision for a Troubled World
Managing Leviathan
Environmental Politics and the Administrative State, Second Edition
Icy Battleground
Canada the IFAW and the Seal Hunt
From Naked Ape to Superspecies
Humanity and the Global Eco-Crisis
Powerdown (PDF)
Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World
Misplaced Distrust
Policy Networks and the Environment in France, the United States, and Canada
Power Switch
Energy Regulatory Governance in the Twenty-First Century
Unnatural Law
Rethinking Canadian Environmental Law and Policy
From Love Canal to Environmental Justice
The Politis of Harardous Waste on the Canada - U.S. Border
From Love Canal to Environmental Justice
The Politics of Hazardous Waste on the Canada - U.S. Border
Blue Gold
The Battle Against Corporate Theft of World's Water
Environmental Law
Enclosing the Commons
Individual Transferable Quotas in the Nova Scotia Fishery
Sustainable Development and Canada
National and International Perspectives
In Search of Sustainability
British Columbia Forest Policy in the 1990s
Where on Earth Are We Going?
Finding Our Sea Legs
Linking Fishery People and Their Knowledge with Science and Management
Just Fish
Ethics and Canadian Marine Fisheries
The Political Economy of the Environment
The Case of Japan
Unnatural Harvest
How Genetic Engineering is Altering Our Food
Sharing the Work, Sparing the Planet
Work Time, Consumption, and Ecology
Voluntary Initiatives
The New Politics of Corporate Greening
The Myth of Green Marketing
Tending Our Goats at the Edge of Apocalypse