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Browse Books in Economic Policy

Follow the Money

Where Is Alberta’s Wealth Going?

by (author) Kevin Taft, Mel McMillan & Junaid Jahangir

Follow the Money

Where Is Alberta’s Wealth Going?

by (author) Kevin Taft, Mel McMillan & Junaid Jahangir

Women and Property in Urban India

by (author) Bipasha Baruah

Rethinking Federalism

Citizens, Markets, and Governments in a Changing World

edited by Karen Knop, Sylvia Ostry, Richard Simeon & Katherine Swinton

Racing to the Bottom?

Provincial Interdependence in the Canadian Federation

edited by Kathryn Harrison

Betting on Biotech

Innovation and the Limits of Asia's Developmental State

by (author) Joseph Wong

Birth of a Boom: Saskatchewan's Dawning Golden Age

by (author) David Breen Seymour
edited by Suzanne Paschall
designed by Jacqueline Germin

Offshore Petroleum Politics

Regulation and Risk in the Scotian Basin

by (author) Peter Clancy

Bob Blair's Pipeline

The Business and Politics of Northern Energy Development Projects

by (author) François Bregha

Bob Blair's Pipeline

The Business and Politics of Northern Energy Development Projects

by (author) Fran?ois Bregha

Private Affluence, Public Austerity

Economic Crisis and Democratic Malaise in Canada

by (author) Stephen McBride & Heather Whiteside

Governing the Poor

Exercises of Poverty Reduction, Practices of Global Aid

by (author) Suzan Ilcan & Anita Lacey

Imperialist Canada

by (author) Todd Gordon

Aboriginal, Northern, and Community Economic Development

Papers and Retrospectives

by (author) John Loxley

Humanizing the Economy

Co-operatives in the Age of Capital

by (author) John Restakis

Dead Aid

Why Aid is Not Working and How There is a Better Way for Africa

by (author) Dambisa Moyo

Beyond the Bubble

Imagining a New Canadian Economy

by (author) James Laxer

How Ottawa Spends, 2009-2010

Economic Upheaval and Political Dysfunction

by (author) Allan M. Maslove

How Ottawa Spends, 2009-2010

Economic Upheaval and Political Dysfunction

by (author) Maslove Allan

Let Them Eat Junk

How Capitalism Creates Hunger and Obesity

by (author) Robert Albritton

The OECD and Transnational Governance

edited by Rianne Mahon & Stephen McBride

Fixing the Future

How Canada's Usually Fractious Governments Worked Together to Rescue the Canada Pension Plan

by (author) Bruce Little

Fixing the Future

How Canada's Usually Fractious Governments Worked Together to Rescue the Canada Pension Plan

by (author) Bruce Little

Big Picture Realities

Canada and Mexico at the Crossroads

edited by Daniel Drache

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