Browse Books in City Planning & Urban Development

Rebuilding Earth
Designing Ecoconscious Habitats for Humans

Land of Destiny

Planning on the Edge
Vancouver and the Challenges of Reconciliation, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development

Feminist City
A Field Guide

Power Play
Professional Hockey and the Politics of Urban Development

House Divided
How the Missing Middle Will Solve Toronto's Affordability Crisis

House Divided

Shaping the Metropolis
Institutions and Urbanization in the United States and Canada


Massive Suburbanization
(Re)Building the Global Periphery

Critical Perspectives on Suburban Infrastructures
Contemporary International Cases
Administrators in Action, Vol. 2
The Ombudsman
Citizens Defender

Massive Suburbanization
(Re)Building the Global Periphery

Perfect City
An Urban Fixer's Global Search for Magic in the Modern Metropolis

Community Planning
A Casebook on Law and Administration

Urban Computing

Condo Conquest
Urban Governance, Law, and Condoization in New York City and Toronto

Canadian-American Planning
The Seventh Annual Conference on Canadian-American Relations, 1965

On This Patch of Grass
City Parks on Occupied Land

Dreamers and Designers
The Shaping of West Vancouver

Stolen City
Racial Capitalism and the Making of Winnipeg

No Place To Go
How Public Toilets Fail our Private Needs

In the Business of Change
How Social Entrepreneurs are Disrupting Business as Usual