Browse Books in Political Parties

The Left in Power
Bob Rae’s NDP and the Working Class

Canadian Parties in Transition, Fifth Edition

Alignment of Political Groups in Canada 1841-67

The Canadian General Eelection of 1957

The Progressive Party in Canada

The Liberal Party in Alberta
A History of Politics in the Province of Alberta 1905-1921

Foundations of Canadian Political Behaviour
Stability and Change in the Twenty-First Century

The Trudeau Record: Promise v. Performance
25 independent experts assess key issues from housing to health care

Two Cheers for Minority Government
The Evolution of Canadian Parliamentary Democracy, Second Edition

King and Chaos
The 1935 Canadian General Election

Revival and Change
The 1957 and 1958 Diefenbaker Elections

The Political Party in Canada

From Layton to Singh
The 20-year conflict behind the NDP's deal with the Trudeau Liberals

Inside the Local Campaign
Constituency Elections in Canada

The Right Path
How Conservatives can unite, inspire and take Canada forward

Open Federalism Revisited
Regional and Federal Dynamics in the Harper Era

A Long Way to Paradise
A New History of British Columbia Politics

Electing a Mega-Mayor
Toronto 2014

Party Discipline in Canada

Let ’Em Howl
Lessons from a Life in Backroom Politics

Understanding the Manitoba Election 2019
Campaigns, Participation, and Issues

What’s Trending in Canadian Politics?
Understanding Transformations in Power, Media, and the Public Sphere

Political Ideology in Parties, Policy, and Civil Society
Interdisciplinary Insights

The New NDP
Moderation, Modernization, and Political Marketing