Browse Books in Communism & Socialism
The Heart of the Matter
Ilyenkov, Vygotsky and the Courage of Thought
Claim No Easy Victories
The Legacy of Amílcar Cabral
The Workers' Way to Freedom
and Other Council Communist Writings
The Preobrazhensky Papers, Volume 3
Concrete Analysis of the Soviet Economy
The Preobrazhensky Papers, Volume 2
Chronicling Continuity and Change
Seeking Social Democracy
Seven Decades in the Fight for Equality
Urban Revolutions
Urbanisation and (Neo-)Colonialism in Transatlantic Context
A Separate Star
Politics and Strategy for Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Colonial, and Anti-Imperialist Struggle
The Bund
A Graphic History of Jewish Labour Resistance
Bernie Bros Gone Woke
Class, Identity, Neoliberalism
Wars of Position?
Marxism Today, Cultural Politics and the Remaking of the Left Press, 1979-90
James P. Cannon and the Emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38
Class Warrior
The Selected Works of E. T. Kingsley
The Workers' Movement and the National Question in Ukraine
Strangest Dream, The
Canadian Communists, the Spy Trials, and the Cold War
Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Capitalism
German Social Democracy through British Eyes
A Documentary History, 1870-1914
The Dialectics of Capital (volume 2)
A Study of the Inner Logic of Capitalism
The Dialectics of Capital (volume 1)
A Study of the Inner Logic of Capitalism
"Truth Behind Bars"
Reflections on the Fate of the Russian Revolution
The Ideological Condition
Selected Essays on History, Race and Gender
Share the Wealth!
How we can tax Canada’s super-rich and create a better country for everyone
Being and Swine
The End of Nature (As We Knew It)
Challenging the Right, Augmenting the Left
Recasting Leftist Imagination