Browse Books in Law Enforcement

Ancillary Police Powers in Canada
A Critical Reassessment

Dogged and Destructive
Essays on the Winnipeg Police

A Communist for the RCMP
The Uncovered Story of a Social Movement Informant

Canada's State Police
150 years of the RCMP

Law at Work
The Coercion and Co-option of the Working Class

A Darker Shade of Blue
A Police Officer’s Memoir

The Criminal Justice System on Trial

Unarmed Civilian Protection
A New Paradigm for Protection and Human Security

I Got a Name
The Murder of Krystal Senyk

Why We Serve
Stories of Today's RCMP Members

K9 Line-up Training
A Manual for Suspect Identification and Detection Work

K9 Professional Tracking
A Complete Manual for Theory and Training in Clean-Scent Tracking

22 Murders
Investigating the Massacres, Cover-up and Obstacles to Justice in Nova Scotia

Disarm, Defund, Dismantle
Police Abolition in Canada

K9 Supervisor's Manual
Dynamics in Developing and Managing Police K9 Units

Crisis in Canada's Policing
Why change is so hard, and how we can get real reform in our police forces

On Property
Policing, Prisons, and the Call for Abolition

Murdering Justice
Activists Killed by Police in Canada

Storying Violence
Unravelling Colonial Narratives In The Stanley Trial

Inside a Police Informants Mind

Had It Coming
What's Fair in the Age of #MeToo?

Black Cop
My 36 years in police work, and my career ending experiences with official racism
Values in Conflict
32nd Couchiching Conference, C.I.P.A

Blamed and Broken
The Mounties and the Death of Robert Dziekanski