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Browse Books in Arms Control

The Shortest History of War

From Hunter-Gatherers to Nuclear Superpowers — A Retelling for Our Times

by (author) Gwynne Dyer

Atomic Assurance

The Alliance Politics of Nuclear Proliferation

by (author) Alexander Lanoszka

Disarming Conflict

Why Peace Cannot Be Won on the Battlefield

by (author) Ernie Regehr


Drone Warfare and Global Security

by (author) Ann Rogers & John Hill

Can the World Tolerate an Iran with Nuclear Weapons?

The Munk Debate on Iran

by (author) Amos Yadlin, Charles Krauthammer, Fareed Zakaria & Vali Nasr
edited by Rudyard Griffiths

How We Stopped Loving the Bomb

An insider's account of the world on the brink of banning nuclear arms

by (author) Douglas Roche
foreword by Romeo Dallaire

Canada and the Nuclear Arms Race

foreword by Margaret Laurence
by (author) Ernie Regehr
edited by Simon Rosenblum

Canada and Ballistic Missile Defence, 1954-2009

Déjà Vu All Over Again

by (author) James G. Fergusson

Cultures of Militarization

by (author) Jody Berland & Blake Fitzpatrick

No-Nonsense Guide to the Arms Trade, 2nd edition

by (author) Nicholas Gilby

Broken Arrow No.1

The World's First Lost Atomic Bomb

by (author) John M. Clearwater

Missile Defence: Round One

by (author) Steven Staples

Beyond Hiroshima

by (author) Douglas Roche

Common Sense on Weapons of Mass Destruction

by (author) Thomas Graham Jr.

Smoke and Mirrors

Globalized Terrorism and the Illusion of Multilateral Security

by (author) Frank P. Harvey

Canada and the New American Empire

War and Anti-War

contributions by George Melnyk, Douglas Roche, Tareq Y. Ismael, Jacqueline S. Ismael, Trudy Govier, Colleen Beaumier, Joyce Patel, Jim Harding, David Swann, Bill Phipps, Donn Lovett, Arthur Clark, Robert Hackett, Scott Ritter, Imtiaz Hussain, Satya R. Pattnayak & Mel Hurtg

Broken Wings

Tragedy and Disaster in Alaska Civil Aviation

by (author) Gregory Liefer

Class Warfare

The Alternative Radio Interviews, Volume 2

by (author) Noam Chomsky

Canada's Early Nuclear Policy

Fate, Chance, and Character

by (author) Brian Buckley

U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Canada

by (author) John Clearwater

The Chemical Weapons Taboo

by (author) Richard M. Price

Conventional Arms Control

Perspectives on Verification

by (author) Sergey Koulik & Richard Kokoski

Pearson and Canada's Role in Nuclear Disarmament and Arms Control Negotiations, 1945-1957

by (author) Joseph Levitt

Diplomacy of Hope

Canada and Disarmament, 1945-1988

by (author) Albert Legault & Michel Fortmann

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