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Browse Books in Photography

Enciclopedia de fotografia digital

Guia completa de imagen y arte digital

by (author) Tim Daly

Portraits of Canada

Photographic Treasures of the CPR

by (author) Jonathan Hanna, Robert Kennel & Carol Lacourte
foreword by Rex Murphy

One Hundred Outports

by (author) Ben Hansen

A Camera on the Banks

Frederick William Wallace and the Fishermen of Nova Scotia

by (author) M. Brook Taylor

Jack Chiang's Thousand Islands

by (author) Jack Chiang

Girl in the Picture

by (author) Denise Chong

Haida Gwaii Queen Charlotte Islands

by (author) George Fischer

Not Paved With Gold

Italian-Canadian Immigrants in the 1970s

by (author) Vincenzo Pietropaolo
preface by Nino Ricci

People of the Blood

A Decade-long Photographic Journey on a Canadian Reserve

photographs by George Webber
foreword by Rick Tailfeathers


by (author) John Visser & Judy Ross

The Canadian Rockies (French Trade Paperback)

A Complete Photographic Portrait

photographs by Sabrina Grobler

McCully's New Brunswick

Photographs From the Air, 1931-1939

by (author) Dan Soucoup

Chronicle of our Time

edited by Len Wagg


Four Independent Photjournalists on the War in Iraq

by (author) Ghaith Abdul-Ahad & Kael Alford

Grand Landscapes of Canada -- Les Grands Paysages du Canada

by (author) J. Kraulis

Coach Houses of Toronto

by (author) Margo Salnek
photographs by Donna Griffith

Photographing People

At Home and Around the World

by (author) André Gallant

Wild Prairie

A Photographer's Personal Journey

by (author) James Page

The Digital Colour Printing Handbook

Getting Better Colours from Your Photographs

by (author) Tim Daly

American Women

by (author) Bryan Adams & Calvin Klein


It's the Pits

by (author) Paul 107

Halifax: Sights of the City

by (photographer) Albert Lee

Les iles perles du golfe

by (photographer) George Fischer
introduction by Georges Langford

Guía básica de fotografía digital

Cómo hacer buenas fotografías digitales con el ordenador

by (author) Tim Daly

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