Browse Books in Ancient & Classical

A Refreshing and Rethinking Retrieval of Greek Thinking

Plato's Reasons
Logician, Rhetorician, Dialectician
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Science, Engineering and Technology

Vergil and Elegy
As the Romans Did
A Sourcebook in Roman Social History
Cultures of Resistance in the Hellenistic East

Seeing with Free Eyes
The Poetic Justice of Euripides
Themes in Greek Society and Culture
An Introduction to Ancient Greece
The Art of Complicity in Martial and Statius
Martial's Epigrams, Statius' Silvae, and Domitianic Rome
Ancient Greek Athletics
Primary Sources in Translation

Themes in Roman Society and Culture
An Introduction to Ancient Rome

The Oxford Handbook of Chaucer

Talking Back to Plato

Walking through Elysium
Vergil's Underworld and the Poetics of Tradition

Platonism and Naturalism
The Possibility of Philosophy

In the Path of Conquest
Resistance to Alexander the Great

Classicisms in the Black Atlantic

Ancient Divination and Experience

A Commentary on Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica 14
Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism

Roman Republican Augury
Freedom and Control

Servilia and her Family

Ancient Philosophy: A Companion to the Core Readings
Nature, Contemplation, and the One
A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus