Browse Books in Philosophy

Collected Works of Erasmus
Literary and Educational Writings 7

The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 1252 to 1355, Volume 9

Dissociation and Wholeness in Patrick White’s Fiction

Nietzsche and the Rhetoric of Nihilism
Essays on Interpretation, Language and Politics

Theoretical Perspectives on Native American Languages

The Structure of Biological Theories

In Defence of Science
Science, Technology, and Politics in Modern Society

Descartes and the Enlightenment

The Burden of Office
Agamemnon and Other Losers

Journals and Debating Speeches

Collected Works of Erasmus
Paraphrase on Mark, Volume 49

Intersubjectivity and Transcendental Idealism

Topics in Education
The Cincinnati Lectures of 1959 on the Philosophy of Education, Volume 10

The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 1122 to 1251, Volume 8

Hegel: Faith and Knowledge
An English translation of G. W. F. Hegel's Glauben und Wissen

The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy
An English Translation of G. W. F. Hegel's Differenz des Fichte'schen und Schelling'schen Systems der Philosophie

Plato, Time, and Education
Essays in Honor of Robert S. Brumbaugh

Les Cyniques grecs
Fragments et témoignages

Water into Wine?
An Investigation of the Concept of Miracle

Phenomenological Hermeneutics and the Study of Literature


Contours of Canadian Thought