Browse Books in Philosophy
Argument Structure
A Pragmatic Theory
George Grant and the Subversion of Modernity
Art, Philosophy, Religion, Politics and Education
A Second Collection
Papers by Bernard J.F. Lonergan, S.J.
Philosophical Perspectives on Bioethics
George Grant and the Subversion of Modernity
Art, Philosophy, Religion, Politics and Education
Earthly Goods
Environmental Change and Social Justice
Good Reasons for Better Arguments
An Introduction to the Skills and Values of Critical Thinking
Henri Bergson and British Modernism
Knowing and Being
A Postmodern Reversal
Freud and the Passions
Questions of Miracle
Argument Structure
A Pragmatic Theory
Reasonable Democracy
Jürgen Habermas and the Politics of Discourse
The War Lover
A Study of Plato's Republic
Against Rousseau
On the State of Nature and On the Sovereignty of the People
George Grant
Selected Letters
Picturing Knowledge
Historical and Philosophical Problems Concerning the Use of Art in Science
Reproducing Persons
Issues in Feminist Bioethics
McLuhan, or Modernism in Reverse
Taking Life Seriously
A Study of the Argument of the Nicomachean Ethics
Mcluhan or Modernism in Reverse
Mysticism and Vocation
Philosophical Perspectives on Language
A Concise Anthology
The Divine Initiative
Grace, World-Order, and Human Freedom in the Early Writings of Bernard Lonergan