Browse Books in Philosophy

The Idea of the Vernacular
An Anthology of Middle English Literary Theory, 1280-1520
Nuclear Deterrence, Morality and Realism
A Reader
Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism

The Authority of the State

Norm and Nature
The Movements of Legal Thought

History as Re-enactment
R. G. Collingwood's Idea of History

A Theology for the Earth
The Contributions of Thomas Berry and Bernard Lonergan

A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics

Dreams Of The Millennium
Report From a Culture on the Brink

Franz Rosenzweig's “The New Thinking”

Welfare, Happiness, and Ethics

Art and Interpretation
An Anthology of Readings in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art

Appeal to Popular Opinion

Writing the Social
Critique, Theory, and Investigations

The Making of High Performance Athletes
Discipline, Diversity, and Ethics

Pluralisme et délibération
Enjeux en philosophie politique contemporaine

Sophocles, Use of Psychological Terminology
Old and New

Ways of Knowing
Experience, Knowledge, and Power among the Dene Tha

Political Management in Canada

What Kind of Democracy? What Kind of Market?
Latin America in the Age of Neoliberalism

Wittgenstein, Finitism, and the Foundations of Mathematics

For a New Political Economy
Volume 21

For a New Political Economy
Volume 21