Browse Books in General
Actor Needs Restraint!
Monologues, Recitations, Clown Turns, and Comedy Sketches
Alumnae Theatre Company
Nonprofessionalizing Theatre in Canada
Flight Risk
Performing Female Blackness
From the Theater to the Plaza
Spectacle, Protest, and Urban Space in Twenty-First-Century Madrid
Hope in a Collapsing World
Youth, Theatre, and Listening as a Political Alternative
Chinese Shadow Theatre
History, Popular Religion, and Women Warriors
Cures for Chance
Adoptive Relations in Shakespeare and Middleton
Hysteria in Performance
A Wife in the Hand
A Farce
Triplex Nervosa Trilogy
No White Picket Fence
A Verbatim Play about Young Women’s Resilience through Foster Care
Elapultiek (We Are Looking Towards)
A Play
Bibliografia Tematica de Estudios sobre el Teatro Español Antiguo
Perils and Products of Theatres of the Real
Theatre Passe Muraille
A Collective History
Dancing Queen
Marie de Médicis' Ballets at the Court of Henri IV
Beyond Walls
Theatre Passe Muraille 1968-1975
Antigone Undone
Juliette Binoche, Anne Carson, Ivo van Hove, and the Art of Resistance
Performing Animals
History, Agency, Theater
Winnie Lightner
Tomboy of the Talkies
Bright Particular Stars
Canadian Performers