Browse Books in Research

Recent Progress in Microbiology VIII
Symposia Held at the VIII International Congress for Microbiology Montreal, 1962

Selected Papers of Charles H. Best

Finding Your Research Voice
Story Telling and Theatre Skills for Bringing Your Presentation to Life

Recent Progress in Microbiology VIII
Symposia Held at the VIII International Congress for Microbiology Montreal, 1962

Selected Papers of Charles H. Best

Caring for the Low German Mennonites
How Religious Beliefs and Practices Influence Health Care

The Biology of Desire
Why Addiction Is Not a Disease

More Math Into LaTeX

Health Inequities in Canada
Intersectional Frameworks and Practices

Cancer on the Margins
Method and Meaning in Participatory Research

As Nature Made Him
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl

J.B. Collip and the Development of Medical Research in Canada
Extracts and Enterprise
Epilepsy and Seizures
Your Personal Health Series

Undertaking Qualitative Research
Concepts and Cases in Injury, Health and Social Life
Mastication and Swallowing
Biological and clinical correlates

Proceedings of the Tenth Canadian Cancer Research