Browse Books in History
Faculty of Nursing on the Move
Nursing at the University of Calgary, 1969-2004
Disparate Remedies
Making Medicines in Modern India
Psychedelic New York
A History of LSD in the City
L’histoire de l’école de médecine du nord de l’ontario
Remedicalizing Cannabis
Science, Industry, and Drug Policy
Drugging France
Mind-Altering Medicine in the Long Nineteenth Century
Mixing Medicines
The Global Drug Trade and Early Modern Russia
Lifesavers and Body Snatchers
Medical Care and the Struggle for Survival in the Great War
Transforming Dentistry
The Rise and Near Demise of Dentistry at Western University
The Smile Gap
A History of Oral Health and Social Inequality
Patterns of Plague
Changing Ideas about Plague in England and France, 1348-1750
Patterns of Plague
Changing Ideas about Plague in England and France, 1348–1750
Religion in Global Health and Development
The Case of Twentieth-Century Ghana
Henry Daniel and the Rise of Middle English Medical Writing
Transforming Medical Education
Historical Case Studies of Teaching, Learning, and Belonging in Medicine
The Heartbeat of Innovation
A History of Cardiac Surgery at the Toronto General Hospital
Nursing Shifts in Sichuan
Canadian Missions and Wartime China, 1937–1951
Nothing Ordinary
The Story of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine
The Discovery of Insulin
Special Centenary Edition
Inventing the Thrifty Gene
The Science of Settler Colonialism
Picturing Punishment
The Spectacle and Material Afterlife of the Criminal Body in the Dutch Republic
History of Medicine
A Scandalously Short Introduction, Third Edition
The Language of Trauma
War and Technology in Hoffmann, Freud, and Kafka
Partnership for Excellence
Medicine at the University of Toronto and Academic Hospitals